July 19, 2023

Refurbished Weighbridge – Harbel Factory

Harbel, Liberia

Refurbished Weighbridge – Harbel Factory

In the quest to boost quality production and transparency, on July 19, 2023, Firestone Liberia dedicated a newly refurbished weighbridge to the Harbel Factory. The refurbished weighbridge will increase the flow of customers by grossly reducing waiting time and improving transparency.  

Superintendent Fayiah Charlie welcomed teammates to the weighbridge. “This refurbishment included recalibrating load cell and comparative run. The bridge now has six load cells and we can assure management that we are on par. Thanks for your unflinching support in completing this project. We expect our customers to be happy. You are welcome home and enjoy your stay here.”

Nicholaos Yiannakis, Director for Agricultural Operations at Firestone Liberia stated, “Without a bridge, we cannot get to the next area. This bridge will take us twice as fast to meeting our 250 million pound production annual target.”  The teammates at the dedication ceremony termed the refurbishing work as cooperative.

The refurbished weighbridge has a capacity of two hundred thousand pounds while the first weighbridge’s capacity is half a million pounds.  With this refurbishment, both bridges now meet US and international standards.

Rick Burnett, had these words-"The weighbridge is about trust; so is DIGIFI and everything else we are trying to do. It’s to be more transparent with the farmers and our own employees on the rubber we’re capturing. Transparency is part of modernizing to do a better job."